29th August 2008
I just finished Open Water Training Dive 4 with 3 students off Pulau Pinang, Pulau Aur, Johor.
We boarded the boat Phileo and waited for the rest of the divers. When the boat captain did a headcount 1 diver was missing.
The boat went a few round around the island but nobody as seen nor was there any bubbles coming out from the water.
Then it was decided that we go for a search underwater.
I did 5 CESA's the same day, so I volunteered to snorkel & skin dive instead of scuba.
I went towards north while another group went the opposite direction. After swimming for about 400m the divers on the boat shouted that they found him. So i made it back to the boat.
As i went up there he was lying while Vincent was trying to perform CPR. An ugly sight indeed. I went to the front of the boat together with the rest of my Open Water students.
After 20 min of CPR they gave up. And headed towards the Pulau Aur police station to make a report. The whole group was down.
May he rest in peace.